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Everything you need to know about detoxing your body

Attention: This content is a repost from Holistic Wellness Organization and is provided for informational purposes only. It does not represent the views, opinions, or advice of Libentino Nonprofit. For professional advice, please schedule a free or subsidized evaluation with Dr. Jay Libs here.

Understanding Detox programs and products that are commonly used to help maintain a healthy gut and organs

Detox is a multibillion-dollar industry. It is estimated that the global detox market was valued at over $51 billion in 2019. Your body has a natural way to detox itself but sometimes, your body needs help to get the detox process rolling once again. We are going to look at ways in which you can help detox your body to aid in weight loss, improve your mood and enhance your overall health.

This article explains some of the misconceptions about detoxing your body, detox programs as well as detox products that you can get that will help rejuvenate your body’s natural detoxification system.

What is a detox used for?

People often use a detox process to help eliminate harmful toxins that are in their body. It is believed that these therapies are commonly recommended because of the potential exposure to toxins and chemicals in the environment around you as well as your diet. These toxins can include:

  • Pollutants

  • Synthetic chemicals

  • Heavy metals

  • Harmful compounds

  • Allergens in food and other substances

The body has a natural detoxification system which is known as the lymphatic system. This system helps get rid of toxins in the body. The body can cleanse itself through the liver, faeces, urine and sweat. The liver takes the toxins, makes them non-toxic and then expels the toxins through the rest of the lymphatic system. When the body is filled with toxins that are hard to expel such as heavy metals, the lymphatic system can become a bit sluggish and take longer to get rid of the unwanted taste in the body. When this happens, often professionals will suggest a detox program to help move the waste along.

Who can benefit from a detox?

Most people can benefit from a detox every now and again. Sometimes our systems need a jump start to help get it back on track. Detoxes can help with:

  • Weight loss

  • Water retention

  • Constipation

  • Dehydration

  • Muscle cramps and pain

  • Sluggish lymphatic system

  • Increase vitamin and mineral intake

  • Improve mood

  • Helps boost your immune system

  • Increases digestion

Side effects of detoxing

There are a few side-effects that can happen when you are going through a detox. Some of the effects include but are not limited to:

  • Low energy

  • Low blood sugar

  • Muscle aches

  • Fatigue

  • Dizzy or lightheaded

  • Nausea

If you are experiencing any of these side-effects, it is normal to feel this way for a little bit. If your symptoms get worse, stop the detox right away and seek medical help.

Different types of detoxes

What is a detox diet?

According to Healthline, a detox diet is a short-term dietary intervention that is designed to eliminate toxins from your body. A typical detox diet involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, juices and water. Some detox diets might also include herbs, teas, supplements as well as colon cleanses or enemas. These diets claim to clean your blood as well as eliminate harmful toxins that are sitting in your body.

What does a detox diet include?

Most detox diets include at least one of the following steps:

  • Fast for 1-3 days

  • Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, water as well as tea

  • Drink specific liquids such as salted water or lemon juice

  • Eliminates food high in heavy metals, contaminants and or allergens from your diet

  • Take supplements or herbs

  • Avoid foods you are sensitive to

  • Use laxatives, colon cleansers and or enemas

  • Exercise

  • Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes/vaping and refined sugar

What is a detox drink?

By definition, a detox drink helps flush out toxins in the body as well as boosts the body’s metabolism. There are three common homemade detox drinks that are used around the world.

Lemon and ginger

This is a great detox drink to help you lose weight. Ginger contains gingerol which is known to help prevent stomach problems as well as aids digestion. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C as well as antioxidants which help fight off free radicals.

Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon is a spice that can help curb cravings and honey helps to boost your metabolism. It is a great drink for you to have hot or cold to help with weight loss.

Cucumber and mint

Cucumber and mint are a great combination that not only tastes great but it also helps to relieve an upset stomach due to the anti-inflammatory properties of mint. Cucumber helps fight off free radicals and it is hydrating which helps to move toxins out of your body quicker.

What is detox tea?

Detox teas are products that are sold on the market to help your body expel toxins. These teas lead to water weight loss because they can be a diuretic and send you to the bathroom more often. The teas do not contain regulated ingredients and often have powerful herbs, medications, laxatives and sometimes illegal ingredients that can cause severe health problems.

It is strongly advised that you avoid teas and other products that are sold for weight loss purposes. These products are not regulated so you are not always sure what is actually in the product.

Green tea

Green tea is a common tea that is used for weight loss. It is high in caffeine and most of the teas contain around 80-300 mg of green tea catechins. Research has shown that this amount is safe however, the supplements that are being used can be harmful to your liver. 800mg of green tea catechins has led to higher health risks according to EFSA experts. Drinking lots of green tea has been deemed safe due to the lower concentration of antioxidants.

What is detox water?

Detox water is made by infusing water with fruits, herbs and or vegetables. You can make your own at home. Detox water has fewer calories than juicing or blending the ingredients because the items are infused in the water and you are not consuming the produce. If you crush or bruise the fruits and herbs, you can help release more flavor into the water.

Drinking water may help you lose weight. Studies have shown that drinking half a liter of water can increase your metabolic rate by up to 30% per hour.

Drinking water increases the hydration in your body and can help with your digestion. Water can also help food pass smoothly through your gut and prevent you from becoming constipated.

Drinking detox water may help you lose weight, have a better digestive system as well as help with your mood. You can get these benefits from drinking regular water as well but if you do not like drinking water, infusing it with the herbs and fruits can make drinking water more exciting.

What is detox juice?

Detox juice is the nutritious juice that is extracted from fruits and vegetables. This is done by using different methods which include squeezing them with your hands or using a blender. A 3 day juice detox is very popular. You only drink juice and water for a period of time and it is assumed that this will give your liver and digestive system time to detox.

If you are diabetic or prone to high sugar levels, check with your doctor before you go on a juice detox. Some of the juices are high in sugar and can cause your sugar levels to spike.

The juices are high in fiber. Studies have shown that consuming high amounts of fiber can decrease your appetite because it helps to slow down the emptying of your stomach which maks you feel fuller for longer.

What is a detox smoothie?

A detox smoothie blends a variety of fruits, herbs and vegetables to help aid in digestion. When your body is able to digest food correctly, your body is able to get rid of unwanted waste so that it does not sit in your system and cause issues such as bloating, constipation, stomach cramps and so on.

Another great benefit is that smoothies can help support your immune system. Vitamin C that is present in the smoothies have shown to benefit your immune system when consumed on a regular basis.

What is a detox bath?

According to Healthline, a detox bath is considered a natural way to help remove toxins from your body. During a detox bath, ingredients such as epsom salts, essential oils, herbs and roots are dissolved in water in a bathtub. You can then sit in the bath and soak for 12 minutes to an hour at a time.

A small study was done on 19 people and it was found that by adding epsom salts to a bath, it raises the body’s magnesium levels. This can help your body get rid of lactic acid, which will help relieve sore and stiff muscles. Please note: Epsom salts can dehydrate you. Make sure that you drink a glass of water before and after your detox bath. Get out of the bath slowly to reduce the risk of feeling dizzy and light headed.


Detoxing is said to help eliminate toxins, improve your health and promote weight loss. It is important to keep in mind that a detox does not replace a balanced meal, regular exercise and a healthy mental well-being.

With that being said, a detox can enhance your body’s natural detoxification process and that can improve your overall health, help you stay hydrated, ensure that you consume less salt as well as get nutrients that are high in antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system.


  • Stay hydrated when you are detoxing

  • It is not advised that you detox when you are pregnant or lactating

  • Check with your doctor before you start a detox program

  • Detox teas are not regulated so make your own natural detox teas at home

  • Do not use fruits, vegetables,essential oils or herbs in any of the detox programs that you are allergic to or sensitiveThree common homemade detox drinks are to.

We have a lot of articles that share with you different natural and alternative ways to help you lose weight, stay healthy and maintain a well balanced lifestyle.

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